Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Can Diet and Exercise Help Prevent Cancer?

By Alexandra Williams

While everyone is well aware that proper diet and exercise are paramount to good health, still many people find it too much of an inconvenience to watch what they eat and to exercise. These people may feel that the benefits that they may get from all that effort is not worth the hassles of watching calories, cutting fat, running about, and moving weights around. But what if there was a benefit, and I mean a real good benefit, associated with proper diet and exercise? Maybe that would at least make those who don't worry about diet and exercise give a little more thought to it.

Fortunately, there are proactive measures people can take to strengthen bones and help prevent osteoporosis. "Calcium along with diet and exercise are the building blocks for strong, healthy bones, but they're not enough," said Los Angeles-based registered dietitian, Carroll Reider. "It's also important to go beyond calcium alone and incorporate other key nutrients into the diet."

According to Dennis Savaiano, dean of Purdue's school of consumer and family sciences and professor of foods and nutrition, poor diet and lack of exercise are responsible for just as many cases of cancer as cigarette smoking.e says, "approximately one third of cancer cases are related to smoking, one third are related to poor diet and lack of exercise, and one third are related to genetic or other factors".

• Vitamin K plays an essential role within two important proteins found in all bones.• Phosphorous is found naturally in the body, with approximately 85 percent being in the bones. Like calcium, phosphorus is an important mineral for bone health.

While Savaiano notes that some types of cancer are influenced more by diet than others, nutrition and food scientists agree that these four methods are practical ways to lower the risk of cancer:Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and legumes.Avoid highly processed foods that are high in fat and sugar.Limit or avoid consumption of alcohol.Get in some moderate or vigorous exercise daily.

Whether certain foods cause an acne or whether these foods are just one of many contributing factors is an ongoing debate. Much has been learned and much more has yet to be learned. Add to this the fact that one individual may be affected by a certain food and another not at all and you quickly learn there is no single answer, no magic bullet that will work for everyone. But hopefully this information will help you determine what works for you!

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