Saturday, November 19, 2011

Supplements for Under-active Thyroid in Men

By Charles Mason

More women are affected by hypothyroidism but the number of cases of men suffering from it is also quite high. It is also more common to men and women who are no longer young. There is hypothyroidism when important hormones are not available in our system.

If you are suffering from hypothyroidism, you will be dealing with it for the rest of your life. There is still nothing in the market today that would totally treat it and free the person from the misery it brings. The said important hormones will only be constantly replenished with levothyroxine which is a well-known synthetic thyroid hormone to temporarily relieve the person from sluggishness, lack of concentration, and other symptoms.

Below are the causes of primary hypothyroidism :

Autoimmune Diseases - This type of disorders happens when our own immune system secretes antibodies that would inadvertently attack our own cells. Autoimmune diseases like the Hashimoto's Thyroiditis are currently the usual suspects for hypothyroidism in both men and women in the United States.

Radioactive Iodine - Persons who are suffering from an overactive thyroid are given with radioactive iodine and anti-thyroid medications. Unfortunately, there have been many cases where these cures have resulted to a permanent under-active thyroid.

Iodine-deficiency in Men - Known to be one of the major causes of hypothyroidism around the world, iodine-deficiency in the U.S. is not prevalent because of the high availability of such mineral in our diets. Iodine is a very important element in the production of the thyroid hormones.

Below are Symptoms of Hypothyroidism in Men:

1. Inexplicable sluggishness and weakness

2. Gaining more pounds even without eating more

3. Low tolerance to low temperature

4. Pale and dry skin

5. Having problems concentrating and remembering

6. Muscle pain, stiffness, and tenderness

Since thyroid hormones are responsible for growth and development in our system, it is only logical that lack of it results to the signs and symptoms enumerated above.

Supplements for an Under-active Thyroid

There are many supplements that can be found online that would treat hypothyroidism in men. Make sure that these contain all-natural ingredients. You can also improve your condition by having the right diet and by getting into a more active lifestyle.

Iodine - One of the major causes of a low thyroid function is when there is not enough iodine. Therefore, you should choose a supplement that contains a lot of this mineral.

B vitamin Complex - This is very important in the effective functioning of almost every process in the body which is affected by the condition such as the nervous system, energy boost, digestion, and healthy skin and nails.

Selenium and Zinc - Selenium is very important in the production of thyroxin and Zinc helps in stimulating the pituitary gland.

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