Thursday, November 24, 2011

Alzheimer's Care Giving While Maintaining Your Own Health

By Alexandra Williams

Just for a moment I want you to imagine that you are coming out of a very deep sleep. If you have ever had surgery try to remember the way you felt as you were trying to make sense of things as you awoke. As you imagine or remember this sensation do you find yourself wondering if it is morning or night? Are you trying to remember where you are? Do you have a startle reaction and think for a moment that you are late for work or forgot to pick up your children at school? I have had that upsetting feeling if I wake up in the middle of the night or even after a nap. Now imagine that same fog every moment of your life.......

So many care givers find themselves frustrated with an Alzheimer's sufferer. They may say things like "He just doesn't seem to care if I am with him or not" or "He doesn't enjoy doing anything any more." I know that it is so hard to accept the changes in your loved one and know that this is going to be your reality. If you can remind yourself that the behaviors are organic it will help. The plaque is building up and spreading over the surface of the brain just as a grassfire moves across a dry field. As it covers more areas your loved falls deeper into that fog. Alzheimer's disease doesn't show up like a broken one or a surgical scar but the effects are just as real.

"A cholesterol-lowering program is a lot like a home makeover project; you have to determine a goal, draw up blueprints to reach that goal and work according to plan, tracking your progress along the way," says DiMeo, who embarked on his own health makeover after being diagnosed with high cholesterol. "My doctor and I made sure I had all the tools I needed to reach my target goal -; and now I've made a lifelong commitment to maintain it."

When treating patients with elevated cholesterol, doctors often consult target LDL number guidelines identified by The National Cholesterol Education Program. Yet a new survey shows that the majority (60 percent) of U.S. adults who are being treated with cholesterol-lowering statin medications do not know their target cholesterol goal. Further, 69 percent of these same statin users who are discussing cholesterol goals with their health care provider and do not know their cholesterol goal, are not communicating with their doctor about ways to lower their cholesterol and 31 percent are not talking with their doctor about ways to maintain their cholesterol goal.

My brother who also finds it hard to relax, it must run in my family I suppose, has found hypnotherapy to be very useful. He has been a smoker for many years and two years ago decided it was time to quit. He was very determined, which helps of course but by attending hypnotherapy sessions, also gave him that extra edge. He, from what he tells me has not smoked even one cigarette for the past eighteen months.These are just a small number of the many alternative health treatments out there. It is worth pointing out that even though they have been successful in helping the above people, they may not work for everyone. In my opinion it is worth giving different things a try as it may just change your life.

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