Friday, November 18, 2011

Why has Banksy received a lot of criticism recently?

By Prunella Sharwood

Banksy is an artists from the UK who mostly specialises in illegal stencilling. Although Banksy isn't the artist's real name, it is the identity he uses to protect him from the law. The reason Banksy needs such protection is because initially most of his work is illegal but also because his work challenges large organisations and governments too. Banksy has quickly become famous around the world as his unique works of art have made the headlines in many different countries around the world. Exhibitions of the artist's work are commonly attended by major celebrities too.

Because of Banksy rising to fame so quickly and the artist's work being so commonly in the spotlight, it has caused some people to question the artist's credibility. Some people have even labelled Banksy as a sell-out because they feel some of his work now lacks the positive intent that his earlier work did.

A lot of Banksy's pieces have now started to sell at auctions for huge sums of money and this is one of the reasons that his credibility has come into question. The artist is well-known now by celebrities from all around the world and many of them are buying up any piece of his work which they can. This has led people to say that Banksy is creating art for profit now and not to provoke a change anymore. Banksy started out as artist very much on the wrong side of the law, creating graffiti on buildings and sneaking his own work into elite museums, more recently he has started organising exhibits though much like most other artists.

Then came the film 'Exit through the gift shop' which only added fuel to the fire for the Banksy sceptics. For such a secretive artist, being in a film albeit disguised was an unusual choice and one which wasn't received well by many Banksy fans. Many saw it as Banksy trying to increase his fame even further rather than to increase the impact of his work.

The problem with the criticism Banksy has received is that a lot of it has come as a result of things which the artist has no control over. Banksy has continued to produce street art with the same method and with the same intentions that he always has done and whether he has profited from his art or not, it has come as a result of his work and is not the main reason for his work.

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