Wednesday, November 30, 2011

How To Decide The Correct Acorn Chair Lifts For Your House And You

By Ngoc Trodep

As we become older then it is inevitable that sooner or later our mobility will suffer and this can effect people especially who live in a house that uses stairs as access to another level. Luckily Acorn chair lifts are able to help you in your needs to become more mobile while reducing the risk of you having an accident.

These types of mobility transport are to give people who are unable to manoeuvre up stairs the freedom to get around their own home without the need for assistance. There are many varieties of chair lift that are available in this niche and and one of the best out there is the Acorn range.

As they are so well known then you can expect the quality to be high and they certainly pride themselves on quality as well as reliability that can last a lifetime. When you are looking to buy a stair lift then this is two of the main points that you should be looking for when it comes to purchasing. You do not want your stair lift to fail and the quality of Acorn will not let you down.

All of the Acorn chair lifts that are on the market have batteries fitted to them so they do not utilize any mains power when they are being used and this will allow you to not have any cables or mess around. The battery will also not work if the charge in the battery is not enough to get the user to move up or down the stairs and that is a great feature to have.

All of the Acorn range come with smooth start up and stop functions that will reduce the risk of accidents by sudden jolts of movement and all are fitted with a seat belt so you are completely safe.

Finally the other thing that makes the stair lift unique is that it is attached to the stairs itself instead of the wall so no matter what shape your staircase is then they will be able to fit yours with minimum effort and maximum satisfaction.

When choosing the stair lift that is right for you you should cater for your needs. Acorn chair lifts are designed to give you a variety of looks and styles that will help you find the one that will provide you with the best results in the long run. By buying into this range then you can be assured that you are getting a well respected name in the industry and will have something that will last for years to come.

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