Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Getting Started with high intensity interval training workout

By Deborah Willis

The best way you can implement a lot of cardio into your workout routine is to utilize an Interval Training exercise. This is really just a form of your cardio and how it completed. In reality it's more exciting, takes less time, and burns additional calories. It won't be that long, slow boring stuff so many people put themselves through every January 1st. This is an exercise routine which you could burn fat and increase your endurance levels at the same time.

The basic concept of interval training is that you will perform your exercise, say running at varying speeds. There will be a five minute warmup followed by about 10 minutes of your intervals. The times and intensity will vary for the period and are not set in stone. So you could just have one minute at a extreme intensity followed by another minute at your warmup rate. You would then finish off with a five minute cool down.

It is hard to think sometimes that an interval training workout is so effective considering you are exercising for such a short period of time. but it works, because of the way you work out. During these periods of extreme intensity you are running at a much higher rate than you would if you were doing the typical steady state cardio. This greater intensity you are working out would turn into additional calories which you would burn during your resting period the remainder of the day. You have exerted your body additionally by doing this and you will then have more to "repair" causing your metabolism to speed up. That is exactly why an interval training workout would let you to burn additional fat than the regular boring cardio session.

There are a lot of different interval training routines which you can actually perform. I stated above just as an example which you could do running. In fact, any type of cardio that could be performed could be used with interval training. You can do everything from running, to biking, swimming, or even just basic calisthenics. As long as you are doing the workout at a high intensity and accordingly do that with varying intervals you can in reality complete your interval training workout just fine.

It's impossible to talk about exercising without mentioning that you should be also implementing a lot of healthful eating habits into your daily life. All of the working out you are doing is going to be completely worthless unless you make sure that you eat healthy. If you continue to put junk into your body, then you will not be able to produce any health/fitness goals which you may have. As the old saying goes, "you cannot outwork a bad diet." And that is the truth. You could exercise until you pass out, but if you continue to eat in a way that destroys your system and adds fat, you would never meet your goals.

A good strength training program is also critical to incorporate into any interval training exercise. My personal recommendation would be Turbulence Training. I lost 40 pounds while on this workout program and it is where I learned about interval training. This is the perfect complement to your exercise routine.

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