Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Cable Television Is Getting Strong Annually

By Billy Gasper

It seems that every year the quantity and quality of entertainment that is available on cable television is not only the explosion, but also greatly improve. For those of you who are too young to remember, most people in our country will have access to the three giant television back in the 50, 60, and the first part of the 70's.

So, while sitting in front of your TV, which had only three television programs to choose from. If you do not like any of them, very badly, as it was out of luck, and I had to wait half an hour before the new shows started.

Today, when a teenager decides she wants to watch a little television, cable television companies often source of more than 100 channels to choose from. In addition, due to the explosion in cable television stations, which can address the very specific niche programming and design for an age group and demographic profile.

But, like back in the old days when there were only three television channels, kids complain that there's nothing on TV to view. If they knew what being a child then? During the summer when school was out, the only thing in the afternoon from Monday to Friday, telenovelas.

Imagine being a child of 10 years of age, when it's raining cats and dogs outside, and are forced to watch 4 hours of telenovelas. Then, after the finished soap, local and national news began. So next time your child starts to complain about the quality of the sample at your local cable TV network, please be sure to let them know what was there before.

The fact of the matter is that cable television stations have significantly improved the quality of our lives by providing exciting and engaging entertainment that is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. There are all kinds of nature, history and science programming available today, helping our children to learn more about the world just would not be possible without the cable.

Some of the kids today have no idea of ​​the importance of cable television has had on their lives to improve their knowledge, and provide entertainment specifically designed for them.

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